Following code will validate an XML file agaisnt an XSD stored in a file system and stored all the errors encoutered
Public Function ValidatingProcess(ByVal XSDPath As String, ByVal XMLPath As String, ByVal ValidationErrorsSavePath As String)
' 1- Read XML file content
Reader = New XmlTextReader(XMLPath)
' 2- Read Schema file content
SR = New StreamReader(XSDPath)
' 3- Create a new instance of XmlSchema object
Dim Schema As XmlSchema = New XmlSchema
' 4- Set XmlSchema object by calling XmlSchema.Read() method
' Schema = XmlSchema.Read(SR, new ValidationEventHandler(ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler));
Schema = XmlSchema.Read(SR, New ValidationEventHandler(AddressOf ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler))
'Addhandler SR,
'AddHandler Reader.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf Me.ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler
' 5- Create a new instance of XmlValidationReader object
Dim ValidatingReader As XmlValidatingReader = New XmlValidatingReader(Reader)
' 6- Set ValidationType for XmlValidationReader object
ValidatingReader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema
' 7- Add Schema to XmlValidationReader Schemas collection
' 8- Add your ValidationEventHandler address to
' XmlValidationReader's ValidationEventHandler
'ValidatingReader.ValidationEventHandler += New ValidationEventHandler(ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler)
AddHandler ValidatingReader.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler
' 9- Read XML content in a loop
While (ValidatingReader.Read())
End While
GoTo test
End Try
SaveErrorsToAFile(ValidationErrorsSavePath, Me.Results)
'Handle exceptions if you want
Catch AccessEx As UnauthorizedAccessException
Throw AccessEx
Catch Ex As Exception
Throw Ex
End Try
End Function
Private Sub ValidatingReader_ValidationEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs)
' 10- Implement your logic for each validation iteration
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = "Line: " + Me.Reader.LineNumber.ToString() + " - Position: " + Me.Reader.LinePosition.ToString() + " - " + args.Message
End Sub
Private Function SaveErrorsToAFile(ByVal filepath As String, ByVal errors As ArrayList) As Boolean
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean = False
Dim tw As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filepath, False)
'/ write a line of text to the file
Dim e As IEnumerator = errors.GetEnumerator()
While (e.MoveNext())
End While
' close the stream
blnSuccess = True
blnSuccess = False
End Try
Return blnSuccess
End Function